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Assault Wing
Assault Wing Screenshot Assault Wing is simply amazing, it is full of playability and multi-player action. Each player choses his ship and armaments and then tries to destroy the other players ships, there are different ships to chose from, each having its own stats, for example one is big and powerful but quite slow, then there is a small and fast one - and so on. There are loads of weapons to chose from, some of them are very cool, but then again some of them are too powerful (soil sampler anyone?), so you might want to "ban" those. During the game power-ups appear, these can do a range of things from giving you more health to upgrading your special weapon, but there are some bad outcomes too, such as this big ball that attaches to your ship, it makes it really hard to fly. Anyway, the only bad thing about this game is that it is multi-player only, so if you've got no mates don't bother with this one, but otherwise - download it now.

This new version means that Assault Wing is now Freeware! Also, there are 5 new ships (which arn't bad), 3 new weapons, which are alright, but best of all there is a level editor and a ship editor with the game, so you can customise the ships to how you want them. This is a great multiplayer game. - Dean Hughes

Download: Zip File
Publisher: SF Studios
Distribution: Freeware
Size: 2.4mb
Players: 2-4
Rating: 5/5

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