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V-Wing Screenshot You have control of a spaceship called a 'V-Wing' and your aim is to destroy the other ships. The other ships are controlled by other players (V-wings) and the computer (H-wings).

Your ship is equipped with a standard gun (which is crap) and a secondary weapon which can be changed at the start of every fight. The standard gun has unlimited ammo but the secondary weapon will need reloading every so often. You can get more ammo and repair any damage on a 'pad'. There are only 5 weapons to chose from though, and two levels.

There are a few options that you can change which change settings in the game, if you register though there are many more options which allow you to change just about every aspect of the game.

The graphics are not very good but the game is very playable the world you fly in is great, it feels much better than the other games of this type. It would have got a higher rating if it wasn't for the lack of weapons. - Paul Crossland

Download: ARJ File
Publisher: Simo Siiri
Distribution: Shareware
Size: 250kb
Players: 1-4
Rating: 2/5

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